Our minds are like magic! Whatever you tell it becomes reality! Don’t believe me? Think back in your life when you told yourself that you excelled at something. I bet you WERE good at it! Whatever you think and say out loud is kind of like asking the genie in the bottle for a wish. Whatever you ask, he/she makes it so. I learned this powerful lesson during the years after my divorce. I used to tell anyone that would listen to me how I was the victim of my unfortunate divorce. Unfortunately, this thinking and behavior took away my physical and emotional power, not to mention it stifled any chance at happiness. Every time I told that story, I could physically feel my power escape from my body.
I finally got tired of that victimhood mentality, and I started to believe and tell myself a different story. I started to take back my power, and I had to do that in my mind first. I started to tell myself a different narrative, and when I did my life started to change for the better. My self-esteem came back with a vengeance. I reestablished my membership at the gym and made one positive life change after another.
One of my favorite scholars on the power of the mind is a man by the name of Earl Nightingale. He is a master teacher of this concept. Whenever I start to feel down for whatever reason, I reopen the YouTube videos that others have posted of Earl Nightingale. My favorite recording of his is called THE STRANGEST SECRET. It is worth a listen. There is not a week that goes by that I don’t listen to this man’s talks. He is a genius, and he re-energizes me. I promise you, when you are done listening, you will feel like you can conquer the world.
So, cultivate a positive mindset. As Mr. Nightingale so wisely admonishes, our minds are like a farmer’s field: Whatever you plant in it will surely grow. You can plant corn (positive thinking) or you can plant nightshade (a deadly poison/negativity)…it’s all up to you!
—Peace, Love, & Baklava Forever,