My big, big update for this month’s newsletter is my fresh, new website. Let me explain how I decided to spend the money and invest more than I ever have in a website before.
So last December 13, I woke up from a nap (I only nap in December) and discovered I had 800 attempts to order my book. I was so scared because I knew so many people didn’t all at once decide to order my book, but I didn’t know exactly what was happening. It was a back-office nightmare! About 200 orders went through and 600 did not, but I had emails coming in regarding all of them. My credit card processor was sending me emails telling me to fix the problem asap or they were going to turn off my online store. My first priority was to handle the orders that did go through by refunding them all. I remember this was all happenings at some crazy hour in the early morning and I was sitting at my computer, crying as my hands were shakily refunding strangers for a book they didn’t order. Now understand December is my busiest month of the year so turning off my website was not an option. I called one of my mentors at the University of Utah, Jeff Davis in tears, barely able to articulate what had happened. He quickly responded with the name of a gentleman who could help. Tony, the owner of Firetoss, a full-service digital marketing agency, immediately jumped in and had one of his employees take care of the issue. Turns out, thieves were using my website to test stolen credit cards that they likely purchased off the dark web to see if they would work. It’s called card testing. They attempt to purchase something small on an unsuspecting website with a bunch of stolen credit cards and once they know which cards work, they move on to much bigger purchases. After the dust settled and the problem was fixed, I continued on with my holiday season without any more issues, but Tony and I planned on getting back in touch as soon as the holiday rush was over to discuss making my website better all the way around. So on January 4th of this year, I had my first meeting with my new website company (they bought out Firetoss) and the rest is history.
We have worked really hard to keep what was awesome about my old site, but gave Sheer Ambrosia a complete facelift, which includes a sleeker, clearer, more user-friendly design. There was a lot of back and forth to get everything just right; many meetings, and lots of baklava was eaten, but I’m thrilled to unveil my new website. Hats off to Kirk, Michelle, Mark, and Rod for all of your work on my behalf. You did an excellent job. Thank you for taking my vision and your expertise and turning it into the stunning, manageable, well protected site I have now. If anyone reading this needs a new website built…these are the people to call.
To celebrate this huge accomplishment for Sheer Ambrosia, I am offering the flavor that started it all, my Traditional Honey Walnut, on sale for 20% off for the next week. It’s the classic, the MVP, my main squeeze at Sheer Ambrosia. So enjoy and thank you for continuing to support my business. Without your orders, I couldn’t continue to grow and perfect all aspects of my business. |